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Indecision Page 9

  “Thank you,” I say as I accept them, inhaling their beautiful fragrance. I look back up at him. Shifting my weight on one foot and trying to think of a response.

  “Should I be concerned that you seem to be stalking me? First the bar, then my parents’ house, now my doorstep?” I joke.

  Disregarding the question and just gesturing towards the flowers, he says, “One rose for each day I haven’t been able to be with you.”

  My heart immediately skips a beat at such an insanely romantic gesture. Is he for real? This is the kind of stuff that you only read about or see in the movies, or you always hear happened to a friend of a friend, not what actually happens in real life. At least not to me.

  “I was going to leave them with your landlord,” he continues. “Or in front of your door. But I realized the landlord doesn’t exist, and I have no clue what door is yours. Your coming home was perfect timing.”

  “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to have to happen.” I try to apologize.

  Shaking his head, he cuts me off. “No worries.” He shrugs. “It gave me an excuse to see you before Friday.” Smiling, he turns and looks back at my place.

  “So, are you going to invite me in?” he asks, not missing a beat.

  The question is a little surprising. Although, I guess it should have dawned on me, but I’m too flustered to think straight. The idea of Noah alone with me in my own house instantly takes my mind to a place where only naughty thoughts live, and being able to contain myself might be impossible.

  I decide instead to take this as the perfect opportunity to have a little fun and find out a little more about him. If he wants to get invited up, he’s first going to have to offer up some info.

  “You haven’t broken the law recently have you? Any warrants I should know about?” I begin to teasingly question him.

  Immediately looking back my way, Noah looks shocked. “No, not at all. Why?”

  “Any drug addictions? Ex-wives? Psycho ex-girlfriends? STDs? Insanely annoying OCD habits? Recent aliments or sicknesses I should be aware of?” I proceed, halfway joking and half totally giving him the third-degree.

  Laughing and shaking his head, he answers, “Nope, I’m clean!” Holding his hands up in a surrender for extra emphasis, he flashes me that insanely gorgeous smile of his. I almost melt right there at his feet like a silly little fangirl for her boyband dream.

  Faltering for only a moment, I bounce back quickly. “Then, yes, Noah, I’d be delighted if you would come in.” Batting my eyelashes for emphasis, I smile, taking his hand and leading him up the pathway to my front door, and it doesn’t escape me how small my hand feels in his. The coarseness of his skin against my own, and how that friction might feel against other tender places on my body makes my mind go blank. Regaining my sanity, I silently ask myself what I am thinking and wonder if all this so soon is a good thing.

  I stand at the door, fumbling with my keys, taking extra time to go over the way I left my apartment in my head and trying to remember if I had left anything out that might be embarrassing. Fully confident there are no bras hanging over the couch or boxes of tampons on the kitchen counter I forgot to put away, I open the front door to my apartment complex.

  I never would have expected this curve ball thrown into my day an hour ago, but I’m going to make sure I enjoy every moment of it, fear be damned! I’ve never heard anyone complain about too much of a good thing, and I’m not going to be the one to start first.


  Once inside, Evelyn starts climbing the stairs. “I’m at the top on the right. It’s the largest of the four units,” she says.

  I look around the foyer and take a deep breath as I begin climbing the steps after her. I can’t help but notice that she puts a little extra swing in her step as she climbs, knowing very well what I must have my eyes on as I climb the steps behind her.

  And good Lord what a view it is! Her pencil skirt hugs her curves like a second skin. Nylons with a line climb perfectly up the back of her legs, directing you to a heaven that’s every man’s dream. Red high heels make me drool at the many different ways I want to see her wear them when I have those legs of hers wrapped around me.

  Her blond hair falls in soft waves down her back, and the closer I get, I take in the slightest hint of her perfume. A vanilla dream that makes her smell like the perfect dessert that I can’t wait to devour over and over again.

  Unlocking the door to her apartment, she lets me enter first. “After you, sir,” she says.

  I smile as I pass by nervously. Should I jump her and go straight to the reason why I came here? I need to taste her again, need to feel her again. It’s been too long. And now standing here with her within arm’s reach makes me want to throw all self-control out the window.

  She enters her apartment and puts her purse down, along with the roses I brought her. Setting them on the counter, she makes her way across the room and clicks on the wall heater. Turning, she timidly starts to straighten a stack of magazines on the coffee table.

  Sticking my hands in my pockets to keep from grabbing her, I begin to walk around the small little living room. The place is not what I expected at all. I expected something out of a magazine. Maybe something more city and showy.

  There are some newer looking items, like the couch and coffee table. But then there’s a rustic, warn and old feel. It’s the kind of space you wanted to stay in, a place that feels well lived in. Warm and inviting. I notice her watching me as I survey the living room and kitchen and then start to make my way down the hallway, glancing in each room I pass.

  Two bedrooms? I wonder if she has a roommate. This is quite the place for one person to have all to themselves.

  Turning and making my way back to her, I ask, “Only one bathroom?”

  “Yeah, but it’s only me. I mean, it’s not the best when I have company, but it works, you know?”

  Question answered. Finally! A place with no distractions or interruptions between the two of us. Maybe I should satisfy my appetite, close the space between us, and take as much of her right now as she will allow me.

  Instead, I just nod and continue my walk around the living room once more, absolutely chicken to do anything about the fantasies that roll through my mind daily. I can see her studying me, wondering perhaps what I was expecting to find in her place. She begins to look nervous, and I let her. Something about the way she squirms under my gaze makes me imagine how she might squirm in a few other positions that I have in mind, wiggling with pleasure as I make sure she’s undeniably satisfied.

  “Do you want something to drink?” she asks, making her way towards the kitchen and looking in her fridge. She bends slightly at the waist to gaze inside.

  I take full advantage of the view as I walk over to the kitchen counter, cocking my head to the side to admire a few of the things my hands itch to touch. She has a slender waist that gives way to thick hips and an ass that would make any man drool. I’d give anything, even the air I breathe, to be able to learn and memorize every curve of her body, every inch of the perfect way she was designed.

  “I have wine, beer, soda, water … milk?” she continues, furrowing her brow as she says the last item. “You’re taking your chances with that one, though. I have no clue how long that has been in there.”

  “Nah, I’m good,” I say, leaning against the bar that separates the kitchen from the living room.

  Picking up one of the town newspapers she has on her counter, I examine it for a moment. “Is this the paper you write for?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

  “Yeah, it’s not much, but it’s a start,” she says, coming around the counter. “Allows me to do what I love while working close to home.” She tenses slightly as I begin to read her writing.

  “You’re good. I like the way you write,” I say, trying to calm the anxiety evident in her posture.

  “This stuff is mostly repetitive news. It’s not that exciting to read,” she says, defending herself when he
r writing needs no defending. “I prefer the magazines I freelance for. The people I meet and the stories I write for them … everyone I meet touches my life, reminds me of why I chose the career I did, ya know?” she confesses, stepping closer and looking over my shoulder.

  I lean into her slightly, not being able to even focus on the words I’m pretending to read now that she has my attention. The smell of her drives me insane. I brush up against her and she settles in next to me. Looking up, I smile at her, and she quickly returns the smile as well. The silence adds to the undeniable surge of sexual tension rising with each passing second, and God if that isn’t a turn-on itself.

  “You know, every time I’m near you I fight the urge to want to kiss you,” I blurt out without even thinking, obviously catching the both of us off guard.

  Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath, she says, “Well, why fight it?”

  “Because,” I whisper, leaning in close, waiting until her eyes flutter and land on mine before I continue, “if I start …” I move the hair off her shoulder, trailing my fingertips down her arm. She shivers, and that only makes me want her more. “I’m never going to want to stop.”

  She licks her lips and I watch, wanting so badly to be the one tasting and savoring those lips. I grow more impatient the longer I have to hold out.

  She has to be the one to make the first move this time, I’ve decided. I flung myself at her once before. I need to know she needs me as much as I need her. It’s time to decide, and she sure as hell is taking her sweet precious time.

  Damn women! They know just how to make us men crave, want, and need until we drive ourselves absolutely insane.

  The side of her lip curls up on the right, and she smirks at me, egging me on, tempting me and having more patience and restraint than I thought possible. Hell that’s sexy. The anticipation of having her does nothing to quench my thirst. It only makes me salivate more as the seconds stretch out in agony.

  Suddenly, she fists my shirt in her hands, pulling me close, she rests her lips against my ear. She nibbles once, making me start to lose all self-control.

  “Then don’t,” she whispers.

  In a rush, I grab her hips and spin her towards me, pinning her against the counter. I crash into her so forcefully I’m afraid I’ve hurt her as she lets out a slight moan the second my lips met hers. One of her legs comes around my thigh, pushing me further, urging me to take more, and I don’t hold back.

  Fisting her hair in my hands, I pull her head back gently with urgency and devour her mouth like a fiend, making sure to breathe in every last drop I can from her lips. Her hands grab me around the waist as she pulls me into her hips, grinding against her finally like I had been dreaming about. I pull her other leg up, and she instinctively wraps both her legs around my waist.

  My right hand begins its journey up her thigh, knowing exactly where it needs and wants to go. On instinct, I’m ready to feel whatever she’ll let me. Reaching the hem of her skirt, I pause. She hasn’t stopped me yet, so I force it up higher. Another moan fills the room as my lips find their way to her neck, and I nibble and suck my way across her collarbone.

  If she doesn’t stop me now, I’m ready to strip her bare right here. Grabbing my face back up to hers, she rests her forehead against mine as I reluctantly come up for air. I meet her eyes and she bites her lip seductively. I proceed to grind into her again without thinking. I can’t control myself around her and damn sure don’t want to.

  Her head falls back, and she slowly looks up at me. I keep my eyes focused on her. The sight of her is just as addictive as the feeling of her. She’s soft and tender, with just enough edge to make me lose my mind. I silently watch, waiting for her to make me want her more like I know she will.

  “I thought you said you’d never want to stop,” she teases, testing my will power, turning me on and making me want her even more. She grinds against me, and it’s my turn to wince with the rising need growing inside. I want to claim her. Take her. Make her never want any man again except me.

  Breathing heavily and laughing quietly, I respond, “Oh, darlin’, you have no idea. I don’t think you can handle what I have planned for you.”

  Cocking her head to the side and flinging her hair over one shoulder, she smiles. “Try me!”

  Letting out a groan, I force both sides of her skirt up and grab her at the waist, raising her up onto the counter. I yank her close, until she’s right up against me. Her hands greedily feel for my belt as I continue my assault on her neck, down her chest, licking the top of her cleavage. I fight the urge to go further. I want to take my time with her. I want to make sure I taste every inch.

  Hell, she is more delicious than I could have ever dreamed. I raise my hands, ready to grab and caress. She whimpers my name as she fumbles with the buttons of my jeans, and it only urges me on more.

  “Excuse me, don’t let me interrupt!” comes a voice from the doorway.

  We immediately stop dead in our tracks, hands frozen in their spot, heads still hanging low. Embarrassed and not knowing how to proceed, we pause, stuck there like two teenagers that just got caught when their parents come home from work early.

  Damnit, didn’t she say she lived alone? What the hell is this?

  Evelyn eases off the counter, and I meet her eyes as she tugs her skirt back in place. She has a smirk on her face, like this is funny. I, however, see no humor to this situation. I adjust myself and take a deep breath before turning around to greet the intruder.

  “No, please continue!” says the redhead standing in front of me. “I missed the mating display on Nat Geo last night. This is good, maybe even better.” She sarcastically smiles at me, knowing damn well the embarrassment I feel.

  Whoever she is, I don’t know. All I know is she can turn around and leave the way she just came in. Wait … I’ve seen her somewhere before. In the bar that first night! She’s starting to have an annoying habit of breaking up a good thing. I wait for one of us to say something, to move, to do anything but stand here in silence.

  Evelyn lets out a laugh, and I watch as her company seems rather unamused with the situation, just like myself. Well damn, this is awkward. The redhead glares at me, making all sorts of judgments before I even have a chance to speak. Great! What the hell have I just stepped into?


  After no one says anything for a minute, which seems more like an hour, I decide to break up the silence with some introductions.

  “Noah, this is Gwen. She’s visiting from SoCal and staying with me for a few days.” I have to admit, it falls on deaf ears as neither one of them seems to acknowledge me. “Gwen, this is Noah.” Her facial expression deepens as she continues to glare at the man in front of her. “Noah and I actually met last week … when I was down south.” Still nothing. “You met him too.” She finally glances my way, then looks back at Noah.

  Nervous and slightly annoyed, Noah shifts his weight on his feet and adjusts his ball cap. I know the woman in front of me well, however, he isn’t used to her and the way she conducts herself. I’m not sure he can handle her overpowering ways, but I guess I am about to find out.

  “Well, I guess I should be going,” Noah mumbles. I can’t blame him. I don’t want to be standing here any more than he does.

  Gwen walks past us to the far corner in the room and drops her suitcase on the floor, which gives us a little privacy so we can say goodbye. He grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. I let myself lean into him, not wanting to let him go as I try my hardest to ignore Gwen’s presence on the opposite side of the room.

  “I’ll call you later, ok?” he says quietly, and I nod. Then he leans in and brushes his lips softly against my cheek, only making me want to go right back to what we were doing before our intruder arrived.

  I grab his belt and tug him into me slightly. I can feel him tense against my body and know I’ve gotten my point across. Our earlier encounter did nothing to satisfy our hunger for one another; it’s only made us ravenous with need. />
  “God, woman, you know how to drive a man crazy,” he whispers in my ear before backing away and slowly walking towards the door.

  Gwen makes her way back over to us, and Noah pauses briefly in front of her. Extending his hand, he says, “It’s nice to meet you, Gwen.”

  She takes it, shaking it slowly, continuing to size him up while staring him down, not ready to give up on making him feel like the one who was intruding instead of the other way around. She never fails at making people she is unsure of, or she doesn’t like, extremely uncomfortable in her presence.

  “We’ve met, remember?” she responds coldly, as if she’s questioning the validity of it herself. “Will I be seeing more of you while I am here?”

  Glancing back my way, Noah looks apprehensive. I can tell he doesn’t want to assume anything but also doesn’t want to answer wrong either. I think for a moment that he won’t answer at all. Maybe he’ll try and play it safe and change the subject. What’s going on between us, as thrilling and breathtaking as it is, is also fresh and new. Even I don’t know exactly what to make of it.

  “I sure hope I’ll be around more often,” he answers confidently. Smiling shyly at me.

  Hope, in the beginning of anything, is addictive; and perhaps the only thing that keeps you coming back for more.

  “Hmm …” is Gwen’s only response. We both turn back to look at her as she narrows her eyes and crosses her arms, not saying another word, leaving him once again a little shaky.

  “Well,” he says, shifting his weight on his feet one final time. “Nice to see you again, Gwen. We’ll talk later, Evelyn.” And with that he leaves quickly, closing the door behind him.

  Still delirious and completely in a euphoric state of mind, it takes me a moment to reorganize my thoughts and focus back on my best friend in front of me. She still hasn’t uncrossed her arms and is waiting for an answer that I don’t want to give. I walk past her into the kitchen and grab two wine glasses.